i need help to build web chat using ajax and php for my final project to get my bachelor degree. the feature include: room chat, private chat, file transfer, voice chat, and video chat. who want to help me please feel free to email me at <snipped>

How about getting started by doing a bit of simple PHP/Javascript coding, coming across real problems and then asking for help?

These are forums for people who need help with real technical problems - not people who are asking others to complete their bachelor degrees!

hahaah thats true.... here's a technical problem that you guys might consider helping me XD! Im a newbie to program.. no qualification what so ever,however spend a couple of years studying programing on C# and linux on my own.Being playing around with web expression and manage to wehost my own website . The problem now is that i want to write a nice program for my chat forum webpage...but find it difficult.. so can you guys give me some tip where i can get script source or code for chat forum -_______________-... Thanks in advanced XD"hand you some Gummybears".

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