Hello all,

I am wanting to know if it is possible to program a log-in page with php that will limit the amount of attempted logins, and then after a specific amount of wrong tries (say 10 for example) that person will be blocked for several hours.

I am no programmer, but I have been asked by a couple of my colleges to find out how someone would go about developing this. Please give my and ideas or suggestions that you might have over this. Thanks a lot for the help.


of course you can.

you write a normal login-script and if the password is incorrect you just save a timestamp and a variable in you DB or textfile that you increment each time a wrong login is done.
Having more than 10 incorrect login attempts, you disable the account (again a new variable). The next login you check the time and if the last login is more than 5hrs ago, you enable the account again.

Sweet, thanks a lot for the help man. I will see what I can do...

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