Hi All...
i m newbie with ruby. a couple weeks ago i was reading book about oracle 10G XE then i found a new language that i never heard before named Ruby on Rails. i was exited and want lo learn many about this language. so, please help me to learn ruby.
My first question :
i have installed ruby on my pc and try it then i want to save my file but when i tried to save it, there are none file type in files type. so it was save without file type. how i can save file with file type? what a file type of ruby?

i already installed ruby and in ruby directory contain fxri and Scite.
well, i m do small ex in fxri...
what is Scite for? what different about fxri and Scite? why i can't compile code in Scite?
i find compile in tools of Scite but it was disable.
example i write code in Scite :

5.times { print "Odelay!" }

when i tried to compiled i can't do this perform. there are compile, Build,Go etc in tools option that i cannot perform to click, it was disable. i m confused.
But this code running great in fxri. so why i can't do compiled in Scite?
please help

Thank you.

i already installed ruby and in ruby directory contain fxri and Scite.
well, i m do small ex in fxri...
what is Scite for? what different about fxri and Scite? why i can't compile code in Scite?
i find compile in tools of Scite but it was disable.
example i write code in Scite :

5.times { print "Odelay!" }

when i tried to compiled i can't do this perform. there are compile, Build,Go etc in tools option that i cannot perform to click, it was disable. i m confused.
But this code running great in fxri. so why i can't do compiled in Scite?
please help

Thank you.

Did your source file definitely have a .rb extension? Did anything at all appear in the output window?

commented: Thank You For Directing friend :) +7

how can i save my project in .rb type?
please read my first post for my first question.
i can't to save project as any type cause there are none types appear when i tried to saved it.
see for an attachment, there are pic for my save dialog.
i m sorry for this newbie question :)
Please help.

oh...i was done it. i able to save it. really basically. i write a file name with a types on FileName box (test.rb) ans save it then Go option appeared. so i can compile it.
thanks for your help pty...

No problem, its not the most obvious solution

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