Hello!!! I want to make a web site, and first I want to make the log in page using Login control from ASP.NET and I want to take the users from a database.
Thanks for helping!!!

Hi- I see this is your first post. When posting on DaniWeb, it is important to first search and see if your question has been answered. With a basic question like this, chances are much has been written about it. Spend a couple of minutes and conduct a search, I am 100% positive you will find the answer to your question.

Good luck... and if you do have questions that are unanswered, please do post them!

As Eric said, a quick search on the forums will yield results that include login pages created using SQL database as credential storage with ASP.NET as the front end. I have found C# and Visual Basic examples on this forum. So, do a search, you will get what you need and good luck!

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