Hey Guys,

I have a chat application which is a windows client / server chat. I now want a web page to interact with this chat server. Its a simple chat app.

1. The chat server waits and listens.
2. The client connects then can see all the online buddies.

Now I want a web page with the same functionality. a user logs in and connects to the chat server. I was able to achieve this. But what if another user sends a message to this web chat user. How will I be able to transmit this message to the browser??

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for you help in advance..


Try using a Timer to refresh the page and AJAX to just reload the part of the page that needs updating and also to stop the page from flashing during the refresh.

Try using a Timer to refresh the page and AJAX to just reload the part of the page that needs updating and also to stop the page from flashing during the refresh.

Thanks for your quick response..

Will try to implement the same

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