Hello DANIWEB Friends,
Anybody help me for making a website in HINDI (PHP).. my plan is i give a simple link or tab to change website languge Hindi to English OR English to Hindi.

please help me

Save all the texts displayed on the web pages in separate files. Save the English text in one file and Hindi text in another file. Include the right file depending on which language you want to display.

For example, save define(HOME_TITLE, 'My Home Page Title') in a file called english.inc and save define(HOME_TITLE, 'Hindi_Title') in a file called hindi.inc. Include the right file depending on which language you want to display and echo out HOME_TITLE on the page you want displayed.

Hello DANIWEB Friends,
Anybody help me for making a website in HINDI (PHP).. my plan is i give a simple link or tab to change website languge Hindi to English OR English to Hindi.

please help me

You cannot translate , make hindi html pages separately, and keep them in database , when user want to switch language retrieve them from database using PHP.

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