Hello daniweb Friends, i found my question's answer "How to Make a Hindi WebSite in PHP".
	You Can use Wordpress to make a Hindi website After instllation of Wordpress CMS Download a Wordpress Plugin name "HindiWriter1.1.zip". and put this in "plugins" Folder of your installed Wordpress CMS. Now login to admin area of CMS, and activate this plugin from plugin tab in "Admin Area".  After Activate this you can see a radio button on page "Write" There are two radio button hindi and English also a hindi radio button on main site with comment Form. Now select you language and post Your data, For Post a large article You Can use google Tarnslation Service.

its not clear plz send full details

You can use the sample code for building a web page in Hindi.

<html lang="hi"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="hi">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
कश्मीरी | कोंकणी | नेपाली | मराठी | मैथिली | संस्कृत | हिन्दी

R.Jude Silvester.

but in notepad are i type this code but it show the blocks which font are used in this code plz give me solution fast it's argent ....

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Being argent ain't no silver bullet to success ;)

WOuld you like to rephrase the question, it doesn't make much sense. Are you having trouble finding a font that displays Hindi in notepad?

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