Can anybody tell me why the Application_Start in global.asax in not firing under any conditions.Can any1 still tell me the conditions to fire it

Hi there and welcome to DaniWeb. Have you deployed your application? If so did you deploy the global.asax file? If this doesn't help may I suggest you view this thread in another forum, I think the answer might be there:

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your reply. I will try this in other forums.

Did you find your answer at the link I gave ?

Sorry but it didn't helped me.The event is still not firing.

At last it worked.I made Application_Start to Application_OnStart and it worked.I forgot where from i got the advice.But never mind its ok.

Great! Glad you got it fixed!

I have webapplicaiton tht runs fine in local machine but while uplaoding on remote server application_start is not firing ...?

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