I am currently creating a quote form for my company website, and wanted to make it a little more friendly than the usual "thank you everyone who fills out that form over there, and who I really don't care about..." I've tried two variations of the code and I've included the form code as well.

Thank you in advance

You could do something like this:

$Name = $_POST["Name"];
$Email = $_POST["Email"];
echo"Thank you $Name,<br/> Your question was sent and we will reply to the email address $Email";

That is obviously a very simple bit of code but you can expand on that and add HTML tags to the Echo statement.

Sam Rudge

Thanks samarudge,

but if you open my attached files... you'll see that I'm already way past that point. What I'm having a problem with, is that the form returns an error, and it doesn't send the information... I'm hoping that I'm just missing something simple, because I've been over the coding several times.

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