Hello All,

I have a chat friend online who said to me that if I don't know java or .Net then my web design will not make me money.

I know how to program in php, asp html etc and willing to learn more as knowledge has no age limit.

I wanna know the benefits and weaknesses in these three languages - Java, php, asp, .net so as to be in IT market as well which of these languages is more friendly and most popular in IT profession.


Hello All,

I have a chat friend online who said to me that if I don't know java or .Net then my web design will not make me money.

I know how to program in php, asp html etc and willing to learn more as knowledge has no age limit.

I wanna know the benefits and weaknesses in these three languages - Java, php, asp, .net so as to be in IT market as well which of these languages is more friendly and most popular in IT profession.


Development is pretty much going to keep you employed no matter what modern language(s) you learn. Pick one and learn it well and the work will find you.

Your chat friend has no clue what he's talking about.

The following are great choices:

Pick a language, get conversant in it then learn one of the more popular frameworks. I suggest php or python to start because they are very easy and you'll learn a lot of important concepts (OOP, frameworks etc).

After that all other languages are easy to learn since they all do the same basic stuff. Just learning new syntax is easy when you understand what you are doing at a deep level.

One serious advantage php offers is that most of the system, network and io functions are nearly directly syntactical equivalents to the same functions in C/C++. IE, you learn fread in php, you've learned it in C too, so C is a logical next step. I don't care what anyone says, there are _no_ unemployed C programmers unless they don't really know C.

Once you feel you've mastered the language, learn another one. Wash, rinse and repeat.

The day you stop learning new stuff is the day your career end countdown starts and your deprecation starts. Advice which limits your choices is no good because it's patently wrong.

IBM is now pushing php as a front end scripting language and have embedded the ability to talk java into it. Ask your friend why IBM is pushing php if it's irrelevant? PHP and java are great choices for front end/middleware respectively.

If you want inroads into Websphere shops, knowing php is a great asset. Learn J2EE too. There's nothing like C++ for long term career stability...


Do what makes you happy...

Hi this is scorpionz

I totally agree with ryan_vietnowk, because Its all about your self intension, what you are willing to, Which language makes you comfortable in development, Well as far as money is concern, People who are better in any of the language can get the money from any of that, It just our thinking that this lang has more money....

Pick a Path and go for it and you will be sucessful....

Hello All,

I have a chat friend online who said to me that if I don't know java or .Net then my web design will not make me money.

I know how to program in php, asp html etc and willing to learn more as knowledge has no age limit.

I wanna know the benefits and weaknesses in these three languages - Java, php, asp, .net so as to be in IT market as well which of these languages is more friendly and most popular in IT profession.


first of all: I agree with the posters before me.

My opinion: You chat-friend doen't make money with webpages. My personal experiences say that in most cases people don't want to get anything in JS or JAVA. Secondly, if people don't care, then they don't have a clou and are just happy when everything works the way they want it to.

What language you want to learn depends on the area you want to work. Developing websites can only hardly be done in C or C++ whereas developing stand-anlone programmes don't work with PHP (at least basically).

A good language to start with is definately PHP. For three simple reasons: it is easy to learn but very powerful, you can get nice results in a very short time which motivates you and most important: it is easy to earn money with. Until you programmed an app in C than you can sell may take you several years.

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