
Can you please help me?

I need to store the path to an image in a mysql database. Would anyone be able to provide me with a script that can do this?



search daniweb. i have done this many times for other people. its not that hard.

i will not provide examples so don't ask me. one search can answer your problem. either seach google or daniweb, your answer is there if you are willing to take the time to look for it.


I have tried, but have failed to get any of them working..........so thanks a million!!

http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php If you notice, $target_path is the path where the image is being uploaded. Save $target_path in the database :)

Btw, If you search Daniweb, you will find plenty of threads on the same question !


I have tried, but have failed to get any of them working..........so thanks a million!!

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