I am getting Error while calling dll from asp.net
Security Exception
Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Permission denied


as per your suggestion i have completed total eight steps from it.
but tell me how to Restart Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to restart the ASP.NET worker process

Hi there to restart IIS on windows XP go to START>ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS>SERVICES. Once the services form appears, scroll down to IIS ADMIN, right click then hit Restart! Hope that fixes it!

But I am using win 2k3 server

I have tried all steps in that r there
Insted of restarting IIS I have restarted computer
Still it is giving same error

pls suggest

For W2K3:
Go to command prompt and type iisreset. Restarting IIS is not without its disadvantages. Restarting IIS is a last resort as any users currently connected will be disconnected and any data stored in memory by IIS applications will be lost. Bear that in mind!

we are using asp.net version 2.0 ,so tell me the answer in detail.

For W2K3:
Go to command prompt and type iisreset. Restarting IIS is not without its disadvantages. Restarting IIS is a last resort as any users currently connected will be disconnected and any data stored in memory by IIS applications will be lost. Bear that in mind!

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