I am having an issue calling an object's function. Can someone assist?
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function add() on a non-object in C:\Properties.php on line 39


require_once 'HashTable.php';

 * Properties
 * The following libraries should be load at instantiation
 * dl("php_pdo.dll");
 * dl("php_sqlite.dll");
class Properties
    private $hash;
    private $dbHandle;

    public function __construct($sqliteDB)
        $hash= new HashTable();
        $this->dbHandle = sqlite_open($sqliteDB, 0666, $sqliteerror) or die($sqliteerror);
    function __destruct()

    public function load()
        if (!is_null($this->dbHandle)) {
            $result = sqlite_array_query($this->dbHandle, 'select * from prop');
            /*foreach ($result as $entry) {
            foreach ($result as $entry) {
                echo "Adding...  ";
                echo $entry['key']." = ".$entry['value']."\n";
                $this->hash->add($entry['key'], $entry['value']);

        } else {
            die("No active config file \n");
    private function getHash()
        return $this->hash;
    public function get($key)
        return $this->$hash->get($key);
//add function from HashTable class
public function add($key= null, $value= null) {
   		if (!is_null($key) && !is_null($value)) {
	        $icomp= new IComparable($key, $value);

I think

foreach ($result as $entry) {

$result is null or doesn't return an array.

$this->hash->add($entry['key'], $entry['value']);

try getting rid of
this-> on line 39
so all you have is

$hash->add($entry['key'], $entry['value']);

and getting rid of $this-> on line 54

$result and $entry are valid. When I uncomment lines 33-35 and dump a valid array is revealed.

array(4) {
  string(6) "dbname"
  string(6) "dbname"
  string(6) "config"
  string(6) "config"
array(4) {
  string(6) "dbname"
  string(6) "dbname"
  string(6) "config"
  string(6) "config"
array(4) {
  string(6) "dbserv"
  string(6) "dbserv"
  string(10) "dbserv.com"
  string(10) "dbserv.com"
array(4) {
  string(6) "dbport"
  string(6) "dbport"
  string(4) "4243"
  string(4) "4243"

When I make your change I get the following error:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: hash in C:\Properties.php on line 39
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function add() on a non-object in C:\Properties.php on line 39

Hear is my tester:

require_once 'Properties.php';


$dbname = "config";
$props = new Properties("config");
<hr />
DB Server: <?php echo $props->get('dbserv')."<br>\n" ?>
DB Port: <?php echo $props->get('dbport')."<br>" ?>

Thanks for all of your help but I resolved my issue. Line 19 should be:
$this->hash= new HashTable(); and not
$hash= new HashTable();
My code now works.

Oh, OK, that makes sense cause otherwise you're stuck in that function's scope. Sweet.

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