We want to integrate sms gateway with our website based on asp. We are looking for vendors for the same. any help?

we want to enable the advertisers on our site to receive customer inquiries by sms

We want to integrate sms gateway with our website based on asp. We are looking for vendors for the same. any help?

we want to enable the advertisers on our site to receive customer inquiries by sms

What protocol are u gonna be using to submit messages to your sms gateway HTTP or SMPP or.. ???
HTTP is straight forward just call the link internally with the specified parameters, SMPP is however tricky, I do not know of any library which provided SMPP connectivity with ASP, although there are a ton of 'em for Java and even some for PHP around.

What protocol are u gonna be using to submit messages to your sms gateway HTTP or SMPP or.. ???
HTTP is straight forward just call the link internally with the specified parameters, SMPP is however tricky, I do not know of any library which provided SMPP connectivity with ASP, although there are a ton of 'em for Java and even some for PHP around.

we want to user http, infact we've already tried a couple of service providers but we are not happy with their service. messages getting delayed and is some cases doesn't get delivered at all.

Ok so you are looking for sms-service providers, I think this hsould have been posted in the Site Management -> Internet Marketers Lounge section.

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