anyone knows step by step how to create a search button and how to link it to the database?

the motive is to search the ID number of the students from the database.

Just use a sql query to solve u r problem.

if u have text box and submit button.on submit button click,use this query

select*from table_name where id='"+txtsearch.text+"';

where shud i put the codes? .vb or .aspx?

thanks for the slowly getting the feel of it.

but can u explain more, i do have to do some sqldatasource tingy rite?

i think u need some basic tutorials in .net.u better visit ,there u will find no of tutorials to connect to database.

sql =select * from user where id ="+txt.text+"
id int

sql =select * from user where user='"+txt.text+"'
user string

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