I am a newbie ...and i m working on a casetool....named Coolgen...
Which Generate the jsp pages....
now i have added a html control on my page......
<input id="demo1" size = "10" onBlur="magicDate(this);validate1();" >

Now there is a onther field....
which is ool gen field.........whose id is 'PUBLISH_DATE'
i want to write a java sript for putting the data in html control,
whenever there is a data in that field...


but where...... can anybody help me?

This is a java forum not a javascript forum

This is a java forum not a javascript forum

Sorry but my browser is telling me that this thread resides in:

DaniWeb Home > Forums > Web Development > JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX

That is: JavaScript, DHTML & AJAX! -No JAVA here...

Sorry but my browser is telling me that this thread resides in:

DaniWeb Home > Forums > Web Development > JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX

That is: JavaScript, DHTML & AJAX! -No JAVA here...

My reply was to the first post where kishor_agrawal posted a javascript question to a java forum and the post was moved

@Troy III - the post was moved before you view it and you may come across more of such as people commonly misinterpreter JavaScript belonging to Java section

@javaAddict - I would expect from you to know better then telling somebody "This is a java forum not a javascript forum"

I will repeat this once again, if you happen to come across post that is either in wrong section or it is in your opinion breaching any of the forum rules PLEASE do use "Flag Bad Post" option. Type short descriptive message ("Please move post to XY section of the forum", "This is spam") to let moderators know that something maybe be wrong with the post. By telling original poster that he/she posted in wrong section may trigger another action and that the person make another post in different section with same content. By doing so the person is breaching another important rule

Do not flood the forum by posting the same question more than once (ie in multiple forums).

there was no possible visual clue that the topic was moved here from another forum!

I got fooled by reading the reply syntax standing out of its context that made mine fall into this semantic paradox.

My apologies.

(Active moderators should feel free to delete all of my posts on this topic, including this one.)

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