I have made a webpage with 3 divs and have put images / text on these pages which can be dragged. I want to limit the area in which the user can drag the text. The user will be allowed to drag the text from the left div to the center div but not the right div. Can some one please help me understand how this can be done?


r u using ajaxcontroltoolkit extenders.

I have made a webpage with 3 divs and have put images / text on these pages which can be dragged. I want to limit the area in which the user can drag the text. The user will be allowed to drag the text from the left div to the center div but not the right div. Can some one please help me understand how this can be done?


Get the dimensions of each element. http://www.csscripting.com/css-multi-column/dom-width-height.php
Get the positions of each element. http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html
When they overlap, limit the drag.

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