Hi All,
Kindly give me some guidelines regarding below issue.
I am developing Student feedback system to provide feedback about faculty to in institution.
Now I have three tables in database:
1.Questionid containing column as id, questionid-description, type
2.event table containing column eventid ,eventdescription,questioned-description(contain same data as like questionid-description from Questionid table ) publish , targetgroup.
3.QuestionBank table contain column questionno., questionedid-description(contain same data as like questionid-description from Questionid table),question-name, option-A,option-B, option-c,option-d, and Other.

Now when particular user log in, it will shows welcometoevent.jsp page contains the event-descriptions from event table which has column publish=’yes’.
When user click on particular event, in next question-fill.jsp it should show all the question available in QuestionBank related to that particular question-id.
The question in multiple choice- form like
1. Question-description
a. option-a
b. option-b like.
Now can any one assist me how to show this variable no. of question with 4-option in question-fill.jsp page page as no. of question for particular event may varies from 20 to 60 .
Kindly assist me.
Thanks and Regards

@Kindly give me some guidelines regarding below issue.
Why should we do so? You so many times asked for help to just get quick solution and completely ignored other suggestions (I know I made most of the suggestions).

@Database structure - re do it, what you provided is ineffective rubbish

The whole questions/exam database is incorrectly lay out.

Take example college or university

  1. It is unlike that all student will be studying for same same degree (bioscience, IT, art, music etc.)
  2. It is unlike that even if they study for same degree they will take all same modules (IT students - programming languages C, C++, C#, Java; web development - HTML, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, etc)
  3. they are on different level of study ( college/ university, 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of study)

Therefore when student log in, from his account info you should be able to pick up degree he/she is working toward, what level/year is in, what modules is taking and offer only test/exam relevant to that person. Also once the student took that exam it should not be available again to that person

Hi Peter_budo,
Thank you very much for your suggestion.
Boss, I am newbie here working independently on this project. Frankly speaking I have no source of guidelines other than your forum.
And can you suggest me some idea about how to restrict student against answering/polling same module twice.
Thanks and Regards

@Boss, I am newbie here working independently on this project.
I'm not boss, I'm student

@Frankly speaking I have no source of guidelines other than your forum.
So people from Sun Microsystem just waste their time creating their website with documentation and tutorials you been suggested to have look at? Plus many others that run other similar related sites?

@And can you suggest me some idea about how to restrict student against answering/polling same module twice.
There is more then one solution, but I would do it like this
Have module table that consist of

  • student_id (string)
  • test_table_name (string)
  • test_name (string)
  • taken (boolean) {default false}
  • score_or_mark (int or character depending on the marking system)
    1. A, B, C, D, E
    2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    3. 10%, 20%, 30% (the sign of percentage doesn't have to be store, you should know what is stored)

Note: I would use test_table_name as this would enable me to have each test questions with possible answers, plus correct answer stored in different table (easier to maintain)

Lets say module has 3 marking assignments. Therefore student name will appear in the table 3x, each time with different name of the test. By default taken column will be false and will change to true as soon student submit the assignment. Will help of this column you will be able to display only test/assignments that have to be done.

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