hello this is sarika.i am unable to get the code for inviting a friend and sending him the add request .pls frnds help me in finding the code.

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Orkut, never heard of it, I must be out of the loop ...

Wish I could help you more, have you tried reading the documentation, or asking on the Orkut development forms?

Good luck

hello this is sarika.i am unable to get the code for inviting a friend and sending him the add request .pls frnds help me in finding the code.

सारिका जी यह बतायें एक साथ अनेक मित्र बनाने के लिये आरकुट में कौन सी स्क्रिप्*ट काम करेगी, कोई ऐसी विधि बतायें जिससे एक साथ मेरे 1000 से अधिक मित्र बन जायें और मेरी मित्र सूची में शामिल हो सकें ।

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