Hi everyone. I need to fix an image such that on right click the "save picture as" option is not active.

Yes, I have seen such script before but can't locate it right now. Have you searched Daniweb thoroughly?

Google JavaScript+disable+right+button, however you should be aware there is PrtScr (print screen) button plus few others combinations and also as soon person enters your site and images are displayed he/she already got them and simple search of computer directory will find them.

Disabling right mouse button is old fashioned idea of securing web page content. It never actually worked...

commented: Great insight and pragmatic! +1

I do agree with peter_budo. I have really tried to disable saving the images on one of my sites before, but with no success. After my trial I asked myself the reason for displaying the images in the first place, if I didn't want people to be able to save them. Then I just let go and carried on with some more important things.

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