I`m displaying a certain number of result from mysql database.
My problem come when i need to display for example 4 result in first row,the other 4 in the second row and so on.
the code below displays all the results but each in its own row

$query="SELECT *FROM profcomment WHERE rece_user='$user'";



echo"sent by: $sentby Comment:$comment  date sent:$date</br>";

any one who knows what i should to make it display a certain number of results in one row and so ON??
ur help will be appreciated.

One way to do this would be to include an if statement and a counter for example,

while(sql_statement) {


if($counter==4) {
echo "<br />";

// reset the counter
$counter = 0;
echo"sent by: $sentby Comment:$comment  date sent:$date";

Thank you inadvance.
I tried the Code and it worked.
Be blessed.

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