Im new on this thing of computers but im really intresting on learning how to creat and understand computers softwares, hardwares and everything about PC.

I will like to know if some one can help me on making a keylogger based on Visual Basic
Thank you!! for your time and Help

Wrong forum! How naive has someone to be to ask in a serious forum how to programme malware?

Three simple steps:

1. Have enough brainpower to know that you ask VB questions in the VB forum.

2. Don't ask for help doing such nefarious things on upstanding forums like Daniweb. Instead, scourge the underbelly of the internet for the brain-dead l337 h4xxors who would be more than happy to help you. Actually that's a lie, be prepared for elitism.

3. Finally, figure out that you're going to have to do this on your own. Spend days as a shut in, eliminating all social contact and becoming depressed in the process as you hack together the world's most average keylogger. And then throw it away.

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