I have got a slight problem with the code below, I am getting entries into the Database with null values, which as far as I can see should not be possible I have both Client-side JS to validate the fields are not empty and PHP to do the same, Just wanted to know if anyone with a bit more knowledge of PHP has any ideas on this..

I know the code isn't perfect, I am working on improving it but it is on a live site which I have recently taken over for a friend but I would like to get this issue resolved before proceeding.

if($_REQUEST['action'] == "check") {
  foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
    if(trim($value) == "" && $key != "send") {
      $dirtyPage = 1;
      $emptyFields.= $key . "=1&";
  if($emptyFields != "") {
    header("Location: /signup.php?empty=1&$emptyFields");
$_REQUEST['action'] = "submit";
    <script type="text/javascript">
	// Cut AJAX code for checking if username exists and form checker for null fields
<br />
	<table width="100%" border="0" width="80%">
			<td class="content" valign="top">
  if($_REQUEST['empty']==1) {
    if ($_REQUEST['un'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>Username</li>"; }
    if ($_REQUEST['fn'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>First Name</li>"; }
    if ($_REQUEST['ln'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>Last Name</li>"; }
    if ($_REQUEST['email'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>E-Mail Address</li>"; }
    if ($_REQUEST['password'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>Password</li>"; }
    if ($_REQUEST['confirm'] == 1) { $fieldList .= "<li>Password Confirm</li>"; }
    "<div style=\"border: 1px #000000 solid; background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 95%; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 15px;\">
    <table width=\"95%\"><tr><td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">
    Unfortunately we cannot register you because the following fields are empty:
    <ul> $fieldList </ul> Please fill these and then try again.
				<h2>Signup for an account.</h2>
					if($level!="4") {
						die("You cannot sign up for an account while you are logged in.");
					if($_REQUEST['action']=="submit" && $_REQUEST['empty'] == "" && $dirtyPage != 1) {
					    if($newpassword!=$newpassword2) {
						    die("Passwords do not match. Please go <a href=\"signup.php\">back</a> and try again.");
					    else {
						    $newusername=mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['un'] );
						    $newemail=mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['email'] );
						    $fname=mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['fn'] );
						    $lname=mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['ln'] );
						    mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (un, pw, email, status, level, fname, lname) VALUES('$newusername', '$newpassword', '$newemail', '1', '3', '$fname', '$lname') ")or die(mysql_error());
						    echo "Thank you for signing up. Our admin have been alerted to this and they will activate your account or contact you shortly.";
				    else {
					    When you apply for an account here, we require you to fill out all of the fields in the form.<br />
					    Once the form is successfully complete and sent off, one of our Admin will review the application and either accept or decline it.
					    <br /><br />
					    We ask for your first and last name when you sign up, we use this information to vefiry who you are.

					    <br />
					    Whether the account is accepted or declined, these names will be deleted from the database after the application is reviewed.
					    <form name="signup" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?action=check" method="post" onsubmit="Javascript:return CheckForm()">
									    <td><input type="text" name="un" onchange="sndReq(this.value)" value="<? echo $_SESSION['un'] ?>"></td>
									    <td colspan="2" align="right"><span id="usernamecheck"><br /></span></td>
									    <td>First Name</td>
									    <td><input type="text" name="fn" value="<? echo $_SESSION['fn'] ?>"></td>
									    <td>Last Name</td>
									    <td><input type="text" name="ln" value="<? echo $_SESSION['ln'] ?>"></td>
									    <td>E-mail Address
									    <td><input type="text" id="emailaddress" onchange="checkEmail(this.value);" name="email" value="<? echo $_SESSION['email'] ?>"></td>
									    <td><input type="password" name="password"></td>
									    <td>Confirm Password</td>
									    <td><input type="password" name="confirm"></td>
									    <td colspan="2"><button type="submit" name="send" <? echo($_SESSION['un'] != "") ? "" : "disabled=\"true\""; ?>>Signup</button></td>

I must ask about line 13. You used the function end(); which returns the value of an array between the brackets. If you want line 13 to end/exit the code, you must use the exit element or the code as showen below.


So now lines 11 to 14 would look as below if you want that if statement to exit the code.

if($emptyFields != "") {
header("Location: /signup.php?empty=1&$emptyFields");
exit; //needed to skip below code.
//rest of below code

Thanks, I wasn't sure about that one.

Still trying to find the weak point in the code which is allowing null db entries..

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