can someone tell me what's wrong with my code?My instructions say that i dont need to add any html elements to this document since it wont display in the web browser but i dont know what to do. Here's what i have:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns= "">


if (file_exists("messages.txt")	
	&& filesize("messages.txt") != 0) {

	$MessageArray = file("messages.txt");
	$NewMessages = implode($MessageArray);
	$MessageStore = fopen("messages.txt", "w");
	fwrite($MessageStore, "$NewMessages");


before i look through it, let us know if there are errors and such. Or maybe try telling us what it is that you are trying to do.

the errors are as follows coming from wdg html validator:


Errors and Warnings
Line 5, character 6: 
     ^Error: element html not allowed here; check which elements this element may be contained within

Line 21, character 7: 
      ^Error: missing a required sub-element of html

Line 21, character 9: 
        ^Error: html not finished but document ended

Line 21, character 9: 
        ^Error: end tag for html omitted; end tags are required in XML for non-empty elements; empty elements require an end tag or the start tag must end with />

Line 3, character 1: 
<html xmlns= "">
^start tag was here

 1   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
 2   "">
 3   <html xmlns= "">
 5   <html>
 6   <?php
 8   if (file_exists("messages.txt")	
 9   	&& filesize("messages.txt") != 0) {
11   	$MessageArray = file("messages.txt");
12   	array_shift($MessageArray);
13   	$NewMessages = implode($MessageArray);
14   	$MessageStore = fopen("messages.txt", "w");
15   	fwrite($MessageStore, "$NewMessages");
16   	fclose($MessageStore);
17   }
18   header("location:ViewDiscussion.php");
19   ?>
21   </html>


From an xhtml perspective:

<html xmlns= "">

has an extra space.

you have two <html> tags. you didn't define any <head> or <body> sections.

since you don't need this to be view in a web browser, get rid of all the html.

In the PHP portion:

try this:


$file = 'messages.txt';
if ( file_exists( $file ) && filesize( $file ) !== 0 ) {
	$messageArray = file( $file );
	array_shift( $messageArray );
	$messageStr = implode( "\n",$messageArray );
	$fh = @fopen( $file,'w' ) or die( 'Unable to open file' );
	@fwrite( $fh,$messageStr ) or die( 'Unable to write to file' );
	@fclose( $fh );
header( 'Location: ViewDiscussion.php' );

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