I have made a form ( http://www.rhstrack.com/bio.htm ) that puts the information onto another page. The problem is that it puts a back slash ( / ) before any quote marks ( " ) - which are used because the form asks for a quote. How do I get around this?

Also, how might I go about allowing people to save the page they have created?

So the form adds the slashes for you? Well that's how it's supposed to be I believe, otherwise it would mess up with the " quotes around the entire thing :)

What you do is use this function: stripslashes(); to strip the slashes from the string.

Also, to allow people to save the pages, make a link to the page and then just tell them to right-click the link and then use the 'Save As' option to save the page.

instead of having them put quote marks for the quote just have them put the quote and on the next page use quotes around the provided text;)

Also, to allow people to save the pages, make a link to the page and then just tell them to right-click the link and then use the 'Save As' option to save the page.

That doesn't work. I figure it doesn't work because it is a form so the content isn't really on the page?

If you used GET instead of POST method for the form then it would work (but that might make URL extremely long.)

You could also simply tell the user how to use their 'Save Page As' feature in their browser :)


Turn 'OFF' (magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime)

You should learn to handle incoming 'FORM DATA' in your script, one should never use php.ini setting if they can control it in the script!

If your own shared hosting, and are not allowed access to the php.ini, you can turn this off via 'htaccess' -> per directory


htaccess file -> below this line
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
htaccess file -> above this line

If you want to turn it Off in your script!

At the top of your script! (turn it off)


At the bottom of your script! (turn it back on)


Then in your script handle each 'FORM DATA' being sent to your script!


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