Okay, i just want to get this out of the way. I do know that this subject has been tackled a couple times and I'm not cutting to the end without reading what has been already written. I can't seem to find the explanation that i'm looking for and a lot of the codes out there didn't seem to work for me. So, sorry if this is repeated and annoying, but I think it would be wonderful to find a good standard for this issue.

I like many others am trying to fit a forum script inside an iFrame to keep with my design and really make the page come together. Page loads no problem in the iFram, but then if you click a link on the forum, some pages will vary in height. I want to resize the iFrame dynamically to match the page and let my footer set within a table float.

So, I think I have two issues here. Letting the table resize dynamically and the iFrame also.

Anyone have help. I am putting here one of the codes that I tried. Seems to just add scrollbars or if I set for no scrolling, hides larger content pages.

All pages are on same domain, so that shouldn't be an issue. If i really have too much hassle with the iFram, I'd really like to at least get the table to resize dynamically for other pages.

I did find and article on resizing the frames by having to actually load a script in each page you are trying to load also, ugghhh, that could be a headache, but might be worth it in the end.


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function calcHeight()
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  var the_height=

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What you can do is have a javascript onload on the body of the forum pages. Use something like this:

function calledOnLoad() {
  window.top.getElementById('myiframe').style.height = document.scrollHeight;

I didn't test it and some of the properties might be different, but that should give you an idea. Ask me if you have any questions.

I did see something like this while searching, seems to be the best answer. Luckily it's a script on my site, so i have complete access to the pages. I'll give it a shot and let you know how it turns out.

What you can do is have a javascript onload on the body of the forum pages. Use something like this:

function calledOnLoad() {
  window.top.getElementById('myiframe').style.height = document.scrollHeight;

I didn't test it and some of the properties might be different, but that should give you an idea. Ask me if you have any questions.

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