Good afternoon,

I'm hoping you guys can help me out with a simple problem. I am working on my first AJAX powered app, and I'm having a problem with the PHP portion. I am passing a value "q" from my app, that should return a Country name. Instead, I get a Resource id #3. My echo commands for $q and $sql are correct, and the generated query returns the proper result in MySQL query.

What am I missing?

$q = $_GET["q"];


or die (mysql_error());

$sql="SELECT Country FROM country WHERE CountryID = '" . $q . "'";
	or die(mysql_error());

echo $result . "<br />";
echo $q . "<br />";
echo $sql;

Sample result:
Resource id #3
SELECT Country FROM country WHERE CountryID = '0000000003'

Thank you!!!


mysql_query returns an object, not a string. you have to use mysql_fetch_array or mysql_fetch_assoc to turn the resulting resource set into an array.

Perfect. That did it!

I changed:

echo $result;


$Countryrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo $Countryrow["Country"];

Thanks for the help!

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