Happy Hoildays!
Does anyone know of an Integreated Development Environment for creating ASPX files AND being able to see the results in a WYSIWYG window?
I've tried Visual Basic, Visual Studio etc but it can open the source but never seems to be able to show the resultant developed HTML from the aspx file.
If this isn't the easiest question of the day, I'll eat my hat!

You can use the view source option on your browser window.

Not without some special software. Aspx doesn't work with any of the browsers I know of.

Thats because ASPX is server side like PHP

You cant simply open the file in your browser, you have to run it on a server. Visual studio 2005 comes with a built in web server for development. Hit the "play" icon to execute.

Happy Hoildays!
Does anyone know of an Integreated Development Environment for creating ASPX files AND being able to see the results in a WYSIWYG window?
I've tried Visual Basic, Visual Studio etc but it can open the source but never seems to be able to show the resultant developed HTML from the aspx file.
If this isn't the easiest question of the day, I'll eat my hat!

You seem to have tried the best choice, unfortunately there is no any better editor for asp.net

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