Is It possible?
Tried this but all i see is blank haha

while ( 
String c=rs.getString("ProductID");
String d=rs.getString("ProductName");
String e=rs.getString ("ProductImage");
out.print("<option value="+c+"><img border=0 src=\"picture/" + e + "\" width = \"170\" height=\"157\"></option>");

ANy one with recommendations on how to make a picutre based drop down list

Hi Dreamer,

It is possible to set an image as a background for an <option>.

Using CSS, you can set the style of the <option> like width, height, color, background-image, etc.., But IE fails to support this, it simply shows the text. If you view in Mozilla, it works fine.

Try it once. Its Obviously possible.
Check in the following site

I tried viewing it in FireFox still doesnt work

I'm not sure what Firefox you using, but my one is up-to-date and I have no problem to see this effect. It is not exactly the programmable drop down as you tried to do but it does the job

After trying various ways i found alternative =p thanks for the help =)

Well if you found alternative why don't you share with others?

i put it in a
<div style="overflow: auto; width: 780px; height: 530px;">


thus it is still equally neat.

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