Your web based ordering should work as follows:
1. Authorized customer must be able to place his online orders.
2. Authorized customer MUST log in first before making any transaction. If the login is invalid the customer access is denied and a message is displayed to the customer “ACCESS DENIED”
3. New customer is able to register so that he/she will be added to the list of authorized customers. The system display a welcome message to the new client “WELCOME TO OUR ORDERING SYSTEM”
4. Authorized customer places an order for up to 3 products. For each product, the customer enters a name and quantity ordered. The system displays a detailed order page (like a pre_order or pre-invoice) for the customer. This order page contains, for each product, the reference, name, unit price, quantity ordered, and total_price. It also contains the total amount due.
5. Authorized customer should be able to validate the pre-order so that the system should prepare a final order (for this requirement, you need an order processing on the server side: create an order line (up to 3 records) in the order_line database table, and update, for each ordered product, the stock in the product database table.

• You have a Server side database of 3 tables:
i. Customers (optional)
ii. Order_line (for requirement 5)
iii. Products (mandatory)
• You also have a text file: passwords.txt that represents the lists of log in data for all authorized customers: each line contains a login name and password separated by comma. This file is mandatory.

Implementation Tool:
1. You are required to use JSP technology to support your web application.

What have you got so far? Help will only be rendered if you show some effort on your part. Since the specification looks pretty hefty I am sure you are good to go with Java and JEE.

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