Hi I've recently started studying cURL and am having problem with the following code that i've written,


include("LIB_parse.php");    # Include parse library
include("LIB_http.php");     # Include cURL library

$web_page = http_get($target="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html", $referer="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/");
$meta_tag_array = parse_array($web_page['FILE'], "href=", ">");

for($xx=0; $xx<count($meta_tag_array); $xx++)
    $tag= return_between($meta_tag_array[$xx],"href=\"","\">",EXL)."\n";
	<a href=<?php echo $tag ?> >hh</a>

Now what i did was searched for 'billu' on www.rapidshare-search-engine.com and i got the url = http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html , which i used in $target in my http_get function(inside LIB_http.php file)

now the problem is that this is not running correctly, the code is not returning me all the links that i wanted.
I want all the rapidshare links to be displayed(as they are displayed on the rapidshare-search-engine.com site)



You are really asking in public for helpo in stealing somebody else's content?
Why not ask at rapidshare?

because they dont want you stealing their property

The layout, design, files, images and all other contents of the Rapidshare-search-engine.com web site are owned by Rapidshare-search-engine.com and are protected by national and international intellectual property laws, conventions and treaties.
The information contained within the Rapidshare-search-engine.com databases belongs to the respective owners of Rapidshare-search-engine.com, and is also protected by national and international intellectual property laws, conventions and treaties.
The information contained in the Rapidshare-search-engine.com web site and databases may not otherwise be used, copied, distributed, performed, sublicensed, modified, rented, altered, reverse engineered or recompiled in any manner without the express written consent of its owner.

hey guys plz reply, is it that big a problem??

one more thing, how do we crawl the internet automatically, i mean without entering individual site name every time.

secondly, i want to create an aggregate site just for fun or rather test my abilities, so can you please suggest some ideas which will not have any copyright issues.....

I can recommend you another rapidshare search engine - http://rapid4me.com/ . Personally in my case it is very helpful!

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