I've aquired some webspace and all I want to do is install phpbb but do not have the slightest clue where to start. Even a point in the right direction will help. Any input is very much appreciate. Can you tell me how to install and setup a phpbb forums with phpmyadmin? Thanks

Download the files from phpbb.com, install the desired directory, and then just go to that webpage. It's an easy installation; all you have to do how to do via phpMyAdmin is to create a database. (No tables or anything, just the database.)

Consult: http://www.phpbb.com/support/

If you are having issues with installation, post on the phpBB boards directly, probably get a faster response.

If you are having issues with installation, post on the phpBB boards directly, probably get a faster response.

You can set phpBB up in a matter of minutes. (Literally, it takes ~4 minutes from when you start downloading to when you can login to the ACP.)

Just download it, go to the address where you downloaded it (like, http://www.lolmysite.com/forums), and then follow the instructions.

-OR- Use the documentation.

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