Hi You must have seen those Signature of people which show us the IP address .. here`s how you do it . :cool: :

1. First save a blank .txt file named counter.txt

2. then open notepad (or any PHP-editor u use) and paste this code :


$TextFile = "counter.txt";
$Count = trim(file_get_contents($TextFile));
$FP = fopen($TextFile, "r");
$Count=fgets($FP, 4096);
fclose ($FP);
settype($Count, "integer");
if ($FP = fopen ($TextFile, "w")){
 fwrite ($FP, $Count);
 fclose ($FP);

$image = "counterpic.png"; 
$im = imagecreatefrompng($image); 
$red = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 0, 0); 
$blue = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 255); 
$hit = "$Count";

ImageString($im, 2, 18, 1, "www.sr-ultimate.com", $blue); 
ImageString($im, 2, 1, 19, " Your ip: $ip", $red); 
ImageString($im, 2, 1, 30, " Page visited $hit times ", $red);  
header("Content-Type: image/png"); 
ImageDestroy ($im); 

3. Save it as index.php or anything u like just with .php extention

4. Now save the 3 files index.php , counter.txt & this image in a folder and upload it through FTP to any server supporting php.

5. Grant counter.txt CMOD 777 ( right click in FTP > properties > all previlages)

6. Then call index.php in your browser . that`s it :cheesy:


1. You can link to the index.php with the normal image tags.

2. If you upload these files to a folder called pic.gif you will be able to use it on forums by using the url www.yourhost.com/pic.gif and it will run the index.php and output the image, Useful if the site or forum don't allow php images or html code.

3. You can enter any no. in counter.txt the image will show that much hits !!!! LOL

4. this is the final image

Very accurate Tutorial, thanks!

BTW plz use this image instead of the above one I gave u :)

Cause that does not support hotlinking

BTW plz use this image instead of the above one I gave u :)

Cause that does not support hotlinking

HMMM, good point.

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