I am using cubecart as the shopping cart for my website, I want to change the Order confirmation message from
"Thank you, your order was successful and payment has been made! Your goods will be dispached as soon as possible. Please visit again soon."
to the following message:

Thank you, your order was successful and payment has been made! <br> <a href="http://www.seozen.info/keywords_search_and_include.html"> If you purchased the Keywords Search and Include Product, then please click on this link to fill up some required information.</a> <br><a href="http://www.seozen.info/top_10_ranking_report.html"> If you purchased the Top 10 Ranking Report Product, then please click on this link to fill up some required information.</a> <br><a href="http://www.seozen.info/website_search_engines_ranking_check.html"> If you purchased the Website Search Engines Ranking Check Product, then please click on this link to fill up some required information.</a><br><a href="http://www.seozen.info/website_search_engines_submission.html"> If you purchased the Search Engines and Directories Submission Product, then please click on this link to fill up some required information.</a> <br> <br>Thank you for your order.

The relevant pHP script has a variable in the following format:

$lv = !$langBully ?  "lang" : "bully";
${$lv}['confirmed'] = array(
'confirmation_screen' => "Confirmation Screen",
'cart' => "Basket",
'checkout' => "Checkout",
'payment' => "Payment",
'complete' => "Complete",
'order_success' => "Thank you, your order was successful and payment has been made! Your goods will be dispached as soon as possible. Please visit again soon.",

When I directly add the new message to the order_success variable, I am getting an error, is it because of some special characters in PHP? How should this be coded for the variable so that the message is correctly displayed.

Thanks and Regards

Replace all occurance of " with ' in your message. :)

commented: good answer +1

thanks a lot it works

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