:idea: hi all.

Here's my set-up:
Server 1: SQL Server 2005 Database
Server 2: Public Web Application using ASP.NET VB and IIS6

my newly published website is succesfully running! ~ but after a few minutes (or in some instances)..my application is stopping from responding, it only shows the hourglass cursor, almost forever :sad: . i still can't point out the problem, most like, database connectivity (but i was able to login at first, but its failing after a few minutes), but when im deleteting the published files and restoring it from the wwwroot folder. its working again. any similar experience and tips to troubleshoot this? xD badly need help. thanks!

I cant say that I ran into the same problem but I have run into issues when I forgot to copy over the file called precompiledApp.config to my production server.

Most of the times i found that sql server not responding. This happened for my case is if i cretae a connection with transaction & try to run a select statement without embedding transaction then sql server behave like this.

Another option is check task manager of your server & then check memory usage, cpu usage. Hope you can find a clue.

Most of the times i found that sql server not responding. This happened for my case is if i cretae a connection with transaction & try to run a select statement without embedding transaction then sql server behave like this.

Another option is check task manager of your server & then check memory usage, cpu usage. Hope you can find a clue.

Im sorry, but. what's an embedded transaction??? i think that's my problem..

Embeded means did u use anything like this Conn.BeginTransaction() ???
Where Conn is a connection object.

DID YOU USE BeginTransaction() anywhere in your code?

oh, the code doesn't have that. will check on this issue.

Could you please post codes from connection open to close.

the previous program only uses con.Open. this is the sample of her code. this a function and simply called if connection is needed

Dim cn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)

If cn.State = Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If

any advice?

Did u use any third party component for accessing database or executing query LIKE .nettiers

Another observation is did you check the server cpu usage & memory usage exactly when this error occured.

Did this error is execution timeout or anything else. if so then post error description also.

oh just an update, it seems that's not the problem. i just let the ASPNET account be listed in the Security of my root directory, and it seems to solve the problem. :D hopefully.

Best of luck.

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