I want to disguise a URL and only temporary. I've been informed PHP command that could be used but I was unclear about the details and I don't want to use frames because the address could still be found if desired.

For example if I tell you to go to www.kings.com the real domain would be www.apples.com but that domain www.apples.com would be hidden. I hope one could do this without a second domain, I'd like to push that first option. If not I do have a second domain to play with for now.

You might be able to achieve that with header() redirects (check the PHP manual for the header() function) But I wouldn't exactly recommend intentionally deceiving your users.

I don't want to deceive them, this is only temporary. My knowledge of PHP is weak what do you mean by the header() function ? And will it work ? And how do you use it?

I don't want to deceive them, this is only temporary. My knowledge of PHP is weak what do you mean by the header() function ? And will it work ? And how do you use it?

As I said, look at the php manual for the function. http://php.net/header. It baffles me how many people use PHP and don't ever visit its website.

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