Am a final year computer sci student in the university,and have been assigned an online test application for my final project.Please anyone with ideas on how i can carry out this project should please forward their help.

You need to expand description of "online test application"...

First visit few related sites then gather experience. Now point out options that you think you are capable to do it. Now cretate a rough proposal & discuss with your lecturer. After finalizing your requirement get back to us. Hope you will get a lot of expert people here.

You need to expand description of "online test application"...

i mean an application that would enable student take test/examinations online tru a dedicated website.


Hey, I came across this site, try it out hope it will help you.


This link will help you to design your application:

Working on final graduation project doesn't mean that you take pre-existing tool, feed some text input and submit it. If that would be case any "monkey" could get degree (not that some university allow some weak links to finish them...)

@eedirex you need to asset situation at hand and clearly outline what you need to/will do. For example: I will create examination system. In this system modules/subjects are associated with student profiles, two students in same year taking same course path may or may not have same set of modules/subjects on their exams (therefore you need to provide well structured database where student ID=personal details are nicely matched with modules he/she is taking). Traditional exam are based on fixed set of questions so everyone has to answer same questions. However in my systems there are multiple options for questions and students will be presented with dynamically generated exam paper (you need to create database to hold number of questions. Questions have to be easily grouped under number of sub-topics from which your algorithm will make selection. This selection together with student ID and the answers have to be stored somewhere for checking either automated or human checking. I would go with human check as there is another opportunity how you will present data collected data, how you will allow examiner to mark, plus any other operation as second examiner check out).
Lastly there are few other things:

  • Form of the test, browser based or GUI application, each has pros and cons
  • Data keeping from page to page, inclusive of use Back and Forward option
  • Security, each student have to log in with correct set login details
  • Time keeping, show exams only on given time (exam starts on 10:00, so it should not be accessible before) and store any given answers once time expire
  • and of course technology to be used PHP/ASP/ASP.net/JSP MySQL/MS SQL/Oracle security protocols etc

So I guess is time for your brain storming....

pls how do i create a database that will store examination questions and also match each students id with the answer entered and produce the result immediately.


commented: Are you student of final year or first year? +0

pls how do i create a database that will store examination questions and also match each students id with the answer entered and produce the result immediately.



Type it by your hand. Are you student of final year or first?

set the theme in your mind...and get started..

you'll learn when you start the things by yourself..

I'm not database expert but simple design can be break down to

  • student [studentID, name, DOB, address]
  • modules [moduleID, module_name]
  • module_mapping [studentID, moduleID]
  • modulID_exam [questionID, question, answerA, answerB, answerC,theAnswer]
  • modulID_exam_answers [studentID, questionID, answer, pointsAwarded]

You can build on this and expand, but that is your job. You need to prove you learned something and not waste your and your teachers time...

Nice Try....Latterrr

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