Hello Everyone,

I'm a newbie and was just trying to figure out how to get a website published. I'm on a Mac and can set the site up on it but I need a FTP. Is there any where I can get a simple website published for free. I don't own a business or anything fance, just a website for my family to view pics and videos. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Many ISPs offer a small amount of web space for a personal page with your account. I would check with your service provider first.

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You can use Windows Explorer as your FTP if you really need to - it's good enough for beginners. FireFTP is a Firefox plugin (I use this often).

As mentioned by Ezzaral, ISPs should give you 'some' free space, although that could quickly fill up if you're thinking of uploading loads of raw photos.

Be careful of some of the featured 'free hosting' guys found through searching for 'free hosting' - some are advertising scams.

You can sign up for a (very) cheap hosting package with loads of bona fide hosts. They may even supply online editing facilities for your site.

MySpace and Facebook are also options if you're just wanting a place to post up family pics and such.

Hello BenzBoy.

Try this 000webhost for hosting your website. Its free and has no ads or any other crap on it. What you put up there is what the viewer will see.

- Hope this helps, I use this host and think it is pretty damn good.

All you need now is a FTP, How about FileZilla; I think this is a good FTP program.

Good luck creating your site.

Hello Everyone,

I'm a newbie and was just trying to figure out how to get a website published. I'm on a Mac and can set the site up on it but I need a FTP. Is there any where I can get a simple website published for free. I don't own a business or anything fance, just a website for my family to view pics and videos. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

There are many place for free hosting, but most of them are not very good. This may be an ok solution?

If not, perhaps you have broadband and leave your Mac turned on 24/7? If so, you might consider hosting the site yourself if only your family will be viewing. It would likely be too slow for public use but for family only any broadband connection should work. To learn how to set up your Mac to host the site yourself check out this URL: http://www.macinstruct.com/node/112

Or to just share photos and vids, you might check out flickr or photobucket.

As Ezzaral mentioned there is absolutely no need for you to build an entire website for this. Sites like Flickr and Picasa exist solely for this, use them, they're free.

yes, you dont need to built your own site for this.use any social media site. like filcker or facebook ect.

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