Hi friends,
Actually i have to read RSS feeds from Google news URL.I am able to read the feeds. But i am reading the feeds from a for loop which runs for atleast 2000 times. Now the problem is that Google blocks my IP address after 500 iterations, means after that it does not allow me to access it's url. can anybody, please tell me, how to solve this problem.

You are doing what google does not want you to do - so do not be surprised that they cut you off. Send an email to google and try to explain them why you need to do what you are trying to do and ask them for help. Unlike certain corporation google talks with people - at least in my case did.

rewrite your code,
2000 accesses news article? what are you thinking.
google provide good code guides FAQ and live Q&A

Can you please share the email id by which you contacted the google.

You are doing what google does not want you to do - so do not be surprised that they cut you off. Send an email to google and try to explain them why you need to do what you are trying to do and ask them for help. Unlike certain corporation google talks with people - at least in my case did.

Better visit google forum here you will get a lot of similar problem.

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