Hi, first of all i am not sure if this is the correct place to post this question.

I am trying to get the information from a certain div on a website and dynamically display it on mine. Also when the content of the div is updated it will update on mine. Sort of like a RSS feed for a div. The website does not offer a RSS feed though.

How would i go about doing this. Thanks.

Google Reader is best tools to get the update from your favorite websites.

Thank you for directing me to Google Reader.

I am no need in a solution to this problem anymore i have found a something else that will work, it is not a solution to this problem though.

Thanks for sharing this useful information. It's great.


hey maybe if we are lucky in a few years when like HTML 7 comes out there will be a tag.

<take from somebody's websites content>Stuff that the person spent hours on and you are stealing.</take from somebody's websites content>

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