Well i have script that inserts text a user submits into a database. I want to add a section that lets other users view the text submitted but others in a sort of paged gallery. Im completely stumped on how to make paged content.

For example, it goes into the database, pulls 5 of the most recent entries, then there would be an option to go to page 2, where it would continue.

I've tried searching but no luck, any help is greatly appreciated.

Try searching for pagination. If you can't find it with that then you aren't looking hard enough.

Thanks ill search for that, i just wasnt sure what this was called.

This function should help you get started:

function pageination($count, $nextpage) {
	$first_row = 1;
	$col_loop = 3;
	$row_loop = $__num_show / $col_loop;
	$num_pages = ceil($count / __NUM_SHOW);
	if($num_pages > 1) {
		echo '<div id="line-nav" class="bodycopy">';
		echo '<div id="page-count" class="pagecount">';
  		for ($start = 1; $start <= $num_pages; $start++) {
  			if (!isset($_GET['page']) && $start == 1) {
  				echo "|&nbsp;<span class=\"pageOn\">" . $start . "</span>&nbsp;";
  			} else if (isset($_GET['page']) && ($_GET['page'] == $start)) {
  				echo "|&nbsp;<span class=\"pageOn\">" . $start . "</span>&nbsp;";
  			} else {
  				echo '|&nbsp;';
					echo '<a href="' . __SOURCE_URI . '/search-results.php?keywords=' . $_GET['keywords'] . '&page=' . $start . '" class="pageCount">';
  				echo $start . "</a>&nbsp;";
  		echo '|';
		echo '</div>';
		echo '<div id="page-info" class="pagecount">';
			echo 'Page ';
			if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { 
				echo "1"; 
			} else { 
				echo $_GET['page']; 
			echo ' of ' . $num_pages . '&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			if (($nextpage - 1) != 0) {
				echo '<a href="' . __SOURCE_URI . '/search-results.php?keywords=' . $_GET['keywords'] . '&page=' . ($nextpage - 1) . '">< Previous</a>';
			} else {
				echo '<span class="grey-out">< Previous</span>';
			echo ' | ';
			if (($nextpage + 1) <= $num_pages) {
				echo '<a href="' . __SOURCE_URI . '/search-results.php?keywords=' . $_GET['keywords'] . '&page=' . ($nextpage + 1) . '">Next ></a>';
			} else {
				echo '<span class="grey-out">Next ></span>';
		echo '</div>';
		echo '</div>';
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