I am testing a PHP web site offline using XAMPP server application. The website runs great, but the only problem is that the .css is not running. The odd thing is that if I am online and I test the website locally the .css file works, but if I am offline the .css does not work.

I am new in web development, any ideas??



How do you include the CSS file into your page?
Could we see the header of your page?

The css file is called like this:
<link href="<?= $GLOBALS; ?>style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Ok, and what is the value of $GLOBALS['glUrl']; ?
Or better yet, how does it look in the markup?

The problem is almost definitely that you are using an incorrect URI in the href of the <link> tag.
We need to see the actual URI it's trying to use.

I changed the URI directly to the .css file, eliminating the $GLOBALS;.
Problem solved, thank you.

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