In a php script I'm using the Registration page only had fields for name and email address, basically. I added fields, just by copying the code on the page. I added Address1, Address2, City and State. Then I added those fields to the mysql db.

However, I need help with two things, when I Submit, and some field happens to be incomplete an error message appears and asks the user to complete. All fields remain filled, except the ones I added. How to I keep my just-added-fields populated, like the rest of the fields?

And secondly, when I tested my additions, by registering, my newly added fields info, didn't get added to the db.

Your help will be appreciated.

<div class="signup-right">
    <h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #666666;">[var.lang_register_today]!</h1>
    <form action="join.php" method="post" name="capform" class="FormGeneric" onSubmit="return capCheck(this);">
      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
        <input type="text" name="first_name" size="20" value="[var.first_name]" />
    <br />
    <br />

      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
        <input type="text" name="last_name" size="20" value="[var.last_name]" />
    <br />
    <br />
      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
        <b>Address 1:</b>
      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
        <input type="text" name="address_1" size="26" value="[var.Address_1]" />
    <br />
    <br />
	      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
	        <b>Address 2:</b>
	      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
	        <input type="text" name="address_2" size="26" value="[var.Address_2]" />
	    <br />
    <br />

		      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
		      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
		        <input type="text" name="city" size="26" value="[]" />
		    <br />
    <br />

			      <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
			      <div style="margin-right:50px; float:right;">
			        <input type="text" name="state" size="26" value="[var.state]" />
			    <br />
    <br />

        <div style="margin-left:52px; float:left;">
          <b>Zip Code/Mail Code:</b>
        <div style="margin-right:110px; float:right;">
          <input type="text" name="zip_code" size="6" maxlength="5" value="[var.zip_code]" />

At a quick glance Ive noticed you have for the first original two:


whereas for the new fields you have only printed them

<b>Address 1:</b>

Think we would need to see the processing code in order to see why it isnt showing the extra fields and inserting!


Thanks for your reply. i believe this is the code you requested:

error_reporting (0);

// License: You are not to sell or distribute this software without permission       //
// Help and support please visit                            //
// Copyright reserved                                                                //

include_once ('classes/config.php');
include_once ('includes/reserved_names.php');

// define access for loading non display php files

$ahah			= 1;
$show_register	= '';
$load_ajax		= '';
$form_submitted	= '';
$action		= '';
$new_user_name	= '';
$account_type 	= '';
$first_name		= '';
$last_name 		= '';
$email_address 	= '';
$email_address2 = '';
$user_name 		= '';
$password 		= '';
$confirm_password = '';
$country_list	= '';
$dob_month		= '';
$dob_day		= '';
$dob_year		= '';
$zip_code		= '';
$birthday		= '';
$error_message 	= '';
$checked 		= '';

$show_register	= 1;
$load_ajax		= 1;
$procede 		= true;
$action		= mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['action'] );
$new_user_name	= mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['new_user_name'] );
$site_name 		= mysql_real_escape_string($config['site_name']);
$form_submitted	= mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['form_submitted'] );

if ( $action == 'check_user' ) {
	$new_user_name	= trim(strtolower($new_user_name));
	if ( $new_user_name == '' ) {
		echo "<font color=\"#EE0000\" size=\"2\"><b>".$config['fill_all_fields']."</b></font>";
	if ( strlen($new_user_name) < 4 ) {
		echo "<font color=\"#EE0000\" size=\"2\"><b>".$config['username_4_chars']."</b></font>";

	// check against reserved names e.g. -> admin etc... or adult words ban
	if ( in_array( $new_user_name, $reserved_names ) ) {
		echo "<font color=\"#EE0000\" size=\"2\"><b>".$config['username_not_allowed'] ."";

	$sql		= "SELECT user_name FROM member_profile WHERE user_name = '$new_user_name'";
	$query	= @mysql_query($sql);
	$count	= @mysql_num_rows($query);

	if ( $count > 0 ) {
		echo "<font size=\"2\"><b>$new_user_name</b></font><font color=\"#EE0000\" size=\"2\">&nbsp;<b>=> $lang_not_available</b></font>";
	} else {
		echo "<font size=\"2\"><b>$new_user_name</b></font><font color=\"#00DD00\" size=\"2\">&nbsp;<b>=> $lang_available </b></font>";


if ( $action == 'show_country' ) {
	$country_fields_all	= '';
	$show_fields		= '';
	$country_list 		= file('includes/country.list');

	foreach ( $country_list as $country_select )
		$country_fields_all = $country_fields_all . $country_select;

	$show_fields  = '<div style="margin-left:30px; float:left;"><b>'.$lang_country.':</b></div>';
	$show_fields .= '<div style="margin-left:95px; float:left;" id="country_list">';
	$show_fields .= '<select class="FormSpecialInput_1" id="country_list" name="country_list" style="font-size: 9pt; width:128px; height:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#444444; letter-spacing: 1; border: 1px solid #DFDCDC; background-color: #FDFDFD">';
	$show_fields .= $country_fields_all;
	$show_fields .= '</select></div>';

	echo $show_fields;

if ( $procede == true ) {

	$account_type 	= 'Standard';
	$first_name		= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['first_name'] ));
	$last_name 		= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['last_name'] ));
	$email_address 	= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['email_address'] ));
	$email_address2 	= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['email_address2'] ));
	$user_name 		= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['user_name'] ));
	$password 		= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['password'] ));
	$confirm_password = trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['confirm_password'] ));
	$country_list	= trim(mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['country_list'] ));
	$dob_month		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['dob_month'] );
	$dob_day		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['dob_day'] );
	$dob_year		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['dob_year'] );
	$zip_code		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['zip_code'] );

	if ( $_POST['terms'] == 'yes' ) {
		$checked = 'checked=\"checked\"';
    		$procede = true;

	} else {
		$procede = false;
    		$error_message = $config['agree_to_terms'];

	// dDB birthday must be this format =>2008-09-17
	$birthday		= $dob_year .'-'. $dob_month .'-'. $dob_day;

	foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {

      	if (!isset($value) || ($value == '')) {
            	$display_key = @str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
            	if ( $display_key == 'zip code' && $value == '' ) {
            		$value = 'none';
            	} else {
            		$error_message = $error_message . ' - ' . $display_key . '  '.$lang_required.' ';
            		$procede = false;

        	} else {

        	      if ( $key == 'email_address2' ) $key = 'email_address';

          	      if ( $key !== 'email_address'  && (!eregi("^[ _a-zA-Z0-9-]*$", $value)) ) {
            		$display_key = @str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
                		$error_message = $error_message . ' - ' . $display_key . ' '.$config['invalid_email_text'].' ';
                		$procede = false;

            	if ( $key == 'email_address' && !eregi("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $value) ) {
            		$display_key = @str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
                		$error_message = $error_message . ' - ' . $display_key . ' '.$config['invalid_email_format'].' ';
                		$procede = false;

            	if ( $key == 'user_name' ) {

            		// check against reserved names e.g. -> admin etc... or adult words ban
            		if ( in_array( $user_name, $reserved_names ) ) {
            			$display_key = @str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
            			$error_message = $error_message . ' ' .$config['username_not_allowed'] . ' !';
            			$procede = false;


// checking if emails match
if ( $procede == true ) {
	if ( $email_address !== $email_address2 ) {
      	$error_message = ' '.$config['emails_do_not_match'];
        	$procede = false;

// checking if passwords match
if ( $procede == true ) {
	if ($confirm_password !== $password) {
      	$error_message = ' '.$config['password_do_not_match'];
        	$procede = false;

// checking if username and email is unique
if ( $procede == true ) {

	$sql = "SELECT user_name, email_address FROM member_profile";
    	$query = @mysql_query($sql);

	while ($result = (@mysql_fetch_array($query))) {

      	if ( !empty($result['user_name']) || !empty($result['email_address']) ) {

      		// case insensitive login and registration
        		$reg_user_name	= strtolower($user_name);
        		$db_user_name 	= strtolower($result['user_name']);

            	if ($db_user_name == $reg_user_name) {
                		$error_message = ' '.$config['username_is taken'];
                		$procede = false;
            	if ( $result['email_address'] == $email_address ) {
                		$error_message = $error_message . ' -'.$config['email_already_exists'];
                		$procede = false;

// if any errors display error message => [var.message_type] - [var.error_message]
if ($procede == false && $form_submitted == "yes") {
	$message_type	= $lang_error;
    	$blk_notification = 1;
    	$show_signup = 1;

    	$template 		= "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm";
    	$inner_template1 	= "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_signup_form.htm";
    	$TBS 			= new clsTinyButStrong;
    	$TBS->NoErr 	= true;


    	$TBS->Render 	= TBS_OUTPUT;


// START => load page with form
if ( !isset($form_submitted) || ($form_submitted == '') ) {

	$show_signup 	= 1;
	$template 		= "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm";
      $inner_template1 	= "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_signup_form.htm";
      $TBS 			= new clsTinyButStrong;
      $TBS->NoErr 	= true;

      $TBS->Render 	= TBS_OUTPUT;

// if no errors register user and load welcome page
if ($procede == true) {
	$random_code	= randomcode();
    	$password_email	= $password;
    	$password		= md5($password);
    	$passwordSalt 	= substr(md5(rand()), 0, 4);

    	if ( $zip_code > '' ) {
    		$country_list = 'USA';

    	// insert new user record
    	$sql = "INSERT into member_profile (email_address, user_name, password, passwordSalt, first_name, last_name, zip_code, country, birthday, account_status, account_type, date_created, random_code)
    		VALUES ('$email_address', '$user_name', '$password', '$passwordSalt', '$first_name', '$last_name', '$zip_code', '$country_list', '$birthday', 'new', 'standard', NOW(), '$random_code')";

    	@mysql_query($sql) or die($config['error_26']);//error

    	// get new user_id
    	$sql 		= "SELECT user_id, email_address, random_code FROM member_profile WHERE random_code = '$random_code' AND email_address = '$email_address'";
    	$query 	= @mysql_query($sql);

    	while ($result = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    		$user_id 	= $result['user_id'];

   	// set new user default privacy settings
    	$sql = "INSERT INTO privacy (videocomments, profilecomments, privatemessage, friendsinvite, newsletter, user_id, publicfavorites, publicplaylists) VALUES ('yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', '$user_id', 'yes', 'yes')";

    	$query = @mysql_query($sql);


      // send email
      $email_template	= 'email_templates/newmember.htm';
      $subject 		= $config['email_welcome'];
      $to 			= $email_address;
      $from 		= $config['notifications_from_email'];

      //send email template to TBS for rendering of variable inside
      $template 		= $email_template;
      $TBS 			= new clsTinyButStrong;
      $TBS->NoErr 	= true;

      $message 		= $TBS->Source;

      //load postage.php
	include ('includes/postage.php');

    	// show success
    	$notification_type	= $config['notification_success'];
    	$message 			= $config['registration_success'];
    	$blk_notification 	= 0;

    	$template 			= "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm";
    	$inner_template1 		= "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_notification.htm";
    	$TBS 				= new clsTinyButStrong;
    	$TBS->NoErr 		= true;

    	$TBS->Render 		= TBS_OUTPUT;


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