Hey all,

I am trying to remove some style from a table cell with JavaScript but it is not working as I wish it would. As you can see in the code below I am trying to remove all borders from cells that are dotted. If I use the following code, all borders will change to “medium none. From this…

style="BORDER-RIGHT: dotted; BORDER-TOP: dotted; BORDER-LEFT: dotted; BORDER-BOTTOM: dotted "

To that…

style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none"

I would like it to remove all border styles without removing any other styles if there are any. If there is a width style it would end up like this:

style=WIDTH: 100px

The code to change is commented.

function SetupForHTML()
	var TE = document.getElementById('TextEditor');
	var TEcn=TE.children;
	var i;
	for (i=0;i<TEcn.length;i++) 

function a(TEcn)
	if (TEcn.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "td")
		if (TEcn.style.borderBottom == "dotted")
//			TEcn.style.borderBottom = "";
		if (TEcn.style.borderTop == "dotted")
//			TEcn.style.borderTop = "";
		if (TEcn.style.borderLeft == "dotted")
//			TEcn.style.borderLeft = "";
		if (TEcn.style.borderRight == "dotted")
//			TEcn.style.borderRight = "";
	var TEchildren=TEcn.children;
	var j;
	for (j=0;j<TEchildren.length;j++) 

Anyone can help me?



I won't need to use this anymore now so thx anyway if you wanted to help.

You just set the style to whatever property you would like, for example "border=0".

That is what I did not want... If I did that you would see all the border properties in the code. I am doing an HTML editor and this is code I do not want users to see when wiewing the source. It is only when viewing the design that I wanted dashed cell borders.

Now when viewing the design I will use a css class and if the user wants his style in the output file, he will set his own class.

thx anyway.


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