Hello evryone! i am very new to PHP! I study it with ebook: PHP & MySQL For Dummies , 3rd Edition!
Once i try and have copy the whole code from the book like this(write in notepad)


<title>PHP Test</title>
<p>This is an HTML line
echo “This is a PHP line”;


and save to C:\wamp\www\ss\a.php then i open wamp server with crome and switch to

but it show:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in C:\wamp\www\ss\a.php on line 9

Why it is crazy like that?
in that book the author tell that it should display
This is an HTML line This is a PHP line

Help me please!

you just try either
echo phpinfo();

or remove the semicolon after the "This is a php line"

Reply if it fixes..

The type of quotes you used are invalid. I've never seen double italic quotes like that before but the following should do the job.

<title>PHP Test</title>
<p>This is an HTML line
//before was: echo “This is a PHP line”;
echo "This is a PHP line"; //now is

Hope that helps.

When you copy from books it put qoutes not like this "
please change qoutes with these "

Use this code and mark this thread as solved , Thanks.

<title>PHP Test</title>
<p>This is an HTML line
echo "This is a PHP line";

Thank all i am OK now!

Please mark this thread as Solved.

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