Hello everyone,

I'm developing a website in ASP.NET. I have a Gridview and in it two LinkButtons: Details and Options. When the user clicks on Details, I have to show a Formview with the Details information. This part is already done.
The part that is being difficult for me is, when the user clicks on Options, I have to showanother GridView, based on the first.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to do this? I'm using VB.NET.



you can use objectdatasource control and when configuring it there is parameter section, set it to get parameter from the first gridview then generate your select statement to fill the second gridview. it is easy. zip your solution and attach it to your post.

Could you explain more, please? I'm pretty new in asp.net. =)

please define your problem statment correctly...

well example gridview contains user id and basic information on clicking first link it shows the formview control with all the details but i didn't get it another part "Options" where you want to display another gridview by the way what would be the contents of another gridview...

I think the key for my problem to be solved is: How do I check which button was clicked? I have two ButtonField in the gridview (Details and Options) and what I want to do is: if the user clicks on Details, show the formview; else, if the user clicks on Options, show the gridview.
I tried Dim btn as Button = sender, but it doesn't work.

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