Hi, I have a schedule updater that is running perfectly in firefox, but slowly in IE7 (and probably IE6 as well). You can see the script in action at:

Any help would be greatly appreciated! The code is below...



<script type="text/javascript">
function changecolor(Id,ctrlhide){
var current = document.getElementById(ctrlhide).value;
if (current == '#7CF67F'){
document.getElementById(Id).style.backgroundColor = '#E7E401';
document.getElementById(ctrlhide).value = '#E7E401';
var stopscript = 1;
if (current == '#E7E401' & stopscript != 1){
document.getElementById(Id).style.backgroundColor = '#0067F2';
document.getElementById(ctrlhide).value = '#0067F2';
var stopscript = 1; 
if (current == '#0067F2' & stopscript != 1){
document.getElementById(Id).style.backgroundColor = '#C0C0C0';
document.getElementById(ctrlhide).value = '#C0C0C0';
var stopscript = 1;
if (current == '#C0C0C0' & stopscript != 1){
document.getElementById(Id).style.backgroundColor = '#7CF67F';
document.getElementById(ctrlhide).value = '#7CF67F';

Hi daveg,

Try to apply the following changes inside your script:

<script type="text/javascript">
var viaID = Boolean( document.getElementById );

var changecolor = function( Id, ctrlhide ) {
var stopscript;
var current = (( viaID ) ? document.getElementById( ctrlhide ) : document.all[ ctrlhide ] );
var el = (( viaID ) ? document.getElementById( Id ) : document.all[ id ] ).style;

   if ( current.value === '#7CF67F' ) {
      el.backgroundColor = '#E7E401';

      current.value = '#E7E401';
      stopscript = 1;
 else if (current.value === '#E7E401' && stopscript !== 1){
      el.backgroundColor = '#0067F2';
      current.value = '#0067F2';
      stopscript = 1; 
 else if (current.value === '#0067F2' && stopscript !== 1 ) {
      el.backgroundColor = '#C0C0C0';
      current.value = '#C0C0C0';
      stopscript = 1;
 else { 
      if ( current.value == '#C0C0C0' && stopscript !== 1) {
         el.backgroundColor = '#7CF67F';
         current.value = '#7CF67F';

I will give that a try. I won't be able to make the changes until later tonight, but I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help!



Thanks again for the advice. I have made the changes you suggested, but the code is still sluggish in IE6 and IE7. I think it might be slightly faster, but nowhere near as fast as in Firefox. Any other suggestions as to how I might go about optimizing the code for IE?



Hi all,

I tried the code below instead...should be even more optimized. But still not fast enough in IE.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


<script type="text/javascript">
var viaID = Boolean( document.getElementById );
var changecolor = function( Id, ctrlhide ) {
var stopscript;
var g = '#7CF67F';
var y = '#E7E401';
var b = '#0067F2';
var z = '#C0C0C0';
var current = (( viaID ) ? document.getElementById( ctrlhide ) : document.all[ ctrlhide ] );
var el = (( viaID ) ? document.getElementById( Id ) : document.all[ id ] ).style;

   if ( current.value === g ) {
      current.value = y;
      el.backgroundColor = y;
 else if (current.value === y){
      current.value = b;
	  el.backgroundColor = b; 
 else if (current.value === b) {
      current.value = z;
	  el.backgroundColor = z;
 else { 
      if ( current.value == z) {
         current.value = g;
		 el.backgroundColor = g;

Hi dave,

Maybe this <LINK> might help you out.

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