I didn't post this in the regular IT jobs folder because this is strictly PHP/MySQL. I am creating an online community (friend/dating/boredom site) which will rival those such as myspace.com and facethejury.com. At current time the whole user database is complete, which includes the ability for users to create profiles and upload pictures to them, as well as extremely customized forums.

Until this time this has been a two-man project, my head coder and myself. The problem is that the designer is starting a new "real life job" and will not have much time in the next month. I would like to add an assistant PHP coder to our staff. At current time I just want them to create a simple rating system for our jokes, and a place where we can add and edit them (we have an advanced administration panel already intact which this could just be addded to). I would like to launch at the beginning of May, but am not setting a definate date because on this type of site the first impression is key, and I cannot accept anything less than perfection.

All interested may email me at The4BoredomCrew@aol.com
I have numerous samples of the site which I can supply upon request but I am not making the content public knowledge as of this point.

Good luck to all interested,
Derek Lemire
CEO and Co-Owner of 4Boredom Entertainment

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Community Based Website Looking For PHP Assistant

You know you should have post this question in the Business Exchange Section that's where members post jobs.

I know it's 7 years too late.

I think a lot of members miss out on your offer.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

2 downvote from a thread 7 years ago?

I think it's the same person downvoted me because on my profile Members Who've Down-Voted has be on 15 the past 3 days.

I did. Resurrecting such an old thread with the only reply being that it's in the wrong forum is completely pointless.

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