
I have a JS for submit the screen.

var screen=document.getElementById'newComponentDetailsEntryForm');
        screen.action="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/"+"newComponentDetailsEntryViewAction.do";

this is working fine in IE but can't work in firefox.

Kindly suggest.

Thanks in advance.

You could try

var screen = document.getElementById('newComponentDetailsEntryForm');
screen.setAttribute('action', "<%= request.getContextPath()%>/" + "newComponentDetailsEntryViewAction.do");


screen is a reserved words in javascript...
wouldn't this be a problem if u use it as variable name?
maybe it will be fine in some browser but in other browser maybe not be good....
and... if u don't mind... what error details which firefox said (press ctrl+shift+J to know it)

i hope this help

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