long time reader first time poster :-)


i have a form that get all the info from flash and send the vars to php form all works well but hebrew.... i get some "jibrish"

other experiments i made shows:
a. if $content = "some hebrew characters";
embed heb-text in php works fine
however if it comes in a var it fails

any help is highly appreciated.

i saw other post but no one provided a firm solution:

my php code:

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .="Content-type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252 \r\n";

$sendto = 'someOne@somesite.co.il';
$subject =  'Email from WebSite';
$name = $_POST['fromname'];
$from = $_POST['fromemail'];
$subSubject = $_POST['fromsubject'];
$message = utf8_decode($HTTP_POST_VARS['frommessage']);
$message = stripslashes($message);

$content = "Name: " . $name . "\n";
$content .= "Email: " . $from . "\n\n";
$content .= "Subject: " . $subSubject . "\n";
$content .= $message;

 echo 'response=passed';
 echo 'response=failed';


charset=Windows-1252 is a very non-standard encoding. I'm quite certain that the Hebrew characters are not supported. Try using UTF-8, the standard that PHP generally uses. The PHP files are UTF-8, hence why Hebrew in the PHP works.

great that did the trick.
thank you've been very helpful.

now i just have to figure out why its not accepting the "\n" sign. with UTF-8 all stays in the same line.... :-\

any quick solution?

again, thank you very much

Yep, for compatibility, always use "\r\n", it takes care of both encodings.

thank you again for your fast replay
tried that with "\r", "\n" and "\r\n"
exp: $content = "Name: " . $name . "\r\n";

none of them works.........

What are you viewing the resulting eMail in? \r\n has always worked very reliably for me, using Mozilla Thunderbird, Inbox, and Gmail.


i think i have some syntax issue in my code but i can't spot it.
if i execute email function with no $headers i get the /n to work but i see gibrish for hebrew characters.


when adding $headers i get the proper encoding but all in one line:

mail($sendto,$subject,$content, $headers)
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";

$sendto = 'email@gmail.com';
$subject =  'Email from  WebSite';
$name = $_POST['fromname'];
$from = $_POST['fromemail'];
$subSubject = $_POST['fromsubject'];
$message = $_POST['frommessage'];
$message = stripslashes($message);

$content = "Name: " . $name . "\n\r";
$content .= "Email: " . $from . "\n\n\r";
$content .= "Subject: " . $subSubject . "\n\r";
$content .= $message;

mail($sendto,$subject,$content, $headers)


yorika! found it
in line 4 i set "text/html;" but it should be "text/plain;"

i feel like knocking my head in the wall........

thank so much omniuni you've been a great help.


No problem! Darn, can't believe I didn't see that myself! Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have any other interesting problems crop up!

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